What is the best thing to present to a close person for him/her to remember you for a whole life? Some years ago the answer was – photo of yours. But pictures fade and rumple leaving only blurred image of a person. Currently this problem can be solved forever. “Forever” is not just an overstatement or publicity stunt, this is a true statement as it refers to... diamonds.
DNA2Diamonds is one of the manufacturers of real created diamonds, but the distinctive feature of this very company is that it cultivates diamonds from signature carbon taken from human's lock of hair or a piece of nail. This manufacturer helps to feel a beloved person closely to you.
Before the company could boast to grow dazzling red, fancy blue, stunning cognac and greenish diamonds. Currently they grow traditional white gems which are extremely popular among engaged couples. “Engagement diamond rings with white diamond gems are in greater demand among women than rings with any other color of diamond” said the president of DNA2Diamonds Tom Bischoff. “That is why when we launched our new line of white diamonds we were just bombed by requests”.
People tend to have unique special things and created diamonds with a lock of hair of a loving person inside meet the case. The exclusive white diamond can be of different cut up to your choice. The size of a gem varies between 0.2 and 2.0 carats. It takes about 70 days to create such an extraordinary gem, so you should join the queue if you want to purchase white created diamond.
However, for somebody the question about diamonds created from a piece of carbon-saturated part of a human body is rather controversial. They say it's like wearing somebody else's cloths when you feel a kind of discomfort. Still, tastes differ and for each product there is a buyer.
And what do you think about it: would you like to have a ring with such diamond?
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