Christmas is the most anticipated holiday! With a lot of preparations and fuss made about it, regrettably but it's over now. But everything comes to an end sooner or later, what is left is the gifts, especially when they are everlasting. 'But are they?': you may ask. The gifts we are going to talk about are diamonds, with everlastingness being their initial property.
This year we looked for some interesting stories about diamonds and Christmas holiday and came across this one, which is now leading the headlines of news websites. This is a quite exciting story about donated diamond jewelry. You should know the Salvation Army kettles, which are always open for any kind of donations. This Xmas a gift consisted of a pair of diamond wedding rings. It is hard to say who was the owner, the workers can only guess but whoever this could be an old couple who wrapped their gift in a $10 bill or a spouse who wanted to get rid of them, this is definitely a generous present. The rings will be appraised and sold and will add a round sum of money to the total amount of charitable donations this year.
As it turned out, this year non-fake jewelry donations were quite popular: someone gave a diamond & sapphire ring in Miami which brought $2,000; a gold coin tucked in a $5 bill was found in Alberta and earned $1,700, and again a diamond ring was a charitable donation outside Kansas City.
It sounds like diamonds are sought-after presents on any occasions. If this year you missed a chance of buying diamond jewelry as a present for Christmas, you shill have one for the New Year. If you want to leave an everlasting impression from your present you should give something special and long-lasting like the most solid gem in the world. What is more, many online retailers and jewelry shops offer amazing discounts for the holiday making diamonds even more appealing, though still not so affordable. So take a chance, only five day left!
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