Eco-Friendly, Conflict Free, 100% Real Man Made Diamonds

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Centaurus Diamond Technology, Inc. - New Star on Jewelry Market's Horizon

Let us remind a bit about conflict-free man made diamonds and the way they are popular now just in order to introduce you another diamond growing lab – Centaurus Diamond Technology, Inc. Unlike Scion Diamonds Technology,Ссылкаwhich are more focused on quantity of produced diamonds, Centaurus are concentrated on quality of their products. Are they satisfied with it? Absolutely, as it is approved by GIA.

The Medal of Honor is the highest award the American soldier can get, when transferred into the 'language' of jewelry this is the GIA approval a lab-grown diamond can be conferred on. Just recently Centaurus diamonds passed GIA test (the most respected gemological laboratory not only in the U.S. but worldwide as well) and there can be no prejudices left to prevent customers from buying them. Visually these diamonds are absolutely indistinguishable from natural-formed diamonds for both a mere customer and an experienced jewelry professional unless they have a wide range of tools to assist them in identifying the origin. While Centaurus diamonds look like real diamonds and they feel like real diamonds they are however lower in price, probably the only difference that tells them from real diamonds. The major we can add. So what do you think about Centaurus Diamonds? Would you opt for them?

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